
Spring Cleaning My LIfe

SUNSHINE! Boy how much it changes your mood. Today has been a pretty good day. We didn't have any meltdowns this morning before school. They've gotten along pretty well with each other since they have been home. Lyvie is napping while the other two have some alone time.

The weekend is closer and I get a small break. Get to catch up on some much needed rest. And some much needed time with friends w/o kids hanging on me and requiring all my attention. Love my girls but love my breaks too.

Got some cleaning done today. I clean it....gets dirty, I clean...it gets dirty, I see a cycle here. I'm ready to be like the Jetsons and have that robot maid that does it all, hahaha.

Change is in the air. Not just weather wise but in all aspects. I know change is coming in many ways. I know more sunshine is coming our way to warm our souls. I know things are going to change drastically in our church and in our personal relationships. I know that the cycle is going to be broken and many are going to step out of their comfort zones and expand.

Today I'm grateful for:

Knowing that even though things can stay the same or in a "cycle" for a very long time that there's always a break in the cycle. There's always change when things get redundant. I'm excited to see how much change is coming. I can't wait to look back 6 months from now and see it all. Last night's message got it right on the head. I am so blessed to see God speak through all of us and relay it to one another. It's awesome when we all seem to be aligned, I know that's God.

Spring Cleaning. Not only my house but my life. It's time to move forward and clean out the past and let it go. Leave it all at God's feet. Just like we clean our homes, deep clean, we should deep clean out our minds and lives. Change the way we do things. After all if we expect things to change we must change within ourselves also.

Sleep. Can't wait to see what it's like once again. Last night was a horrible night, but I know that I will soon be able to catch up a little on some much needed sleep. I feel kinda like a zombie right now. I'm trying to stay busy and not sit still too long so I will feel somewhat energized.

Sketti. It's my favorite meal. I love to smell it cooking in the crock pot. It brings back childhood memories of mama cooking and us gathering around the table together. Oh how I'd love for that to happen just once again. My brothers, my parents and I all gathered at the table to eat a good home cooked meal. I really miss those days at times. I miss my brothers and what we were growing up. That bond is much different now. We have grown apart in many ways but we've also gotten closer at the same time. Seeing each other through our different trials has strengthened us.

Friends. I have some of the greatest people in my life. I'm glad that God lead me to this road I'm on. They all came just in time. I may have been through some storms to get here but God knew what he was doing. I just took a long time to catch up to Him and His plan for me.

The Future. I don't know what it holds for me. I don't know if I'll have some one to cherish it with. But I do know that God has a great plan for me and my life and He is going to take care of me and is not going to let me go through anything all alone. I do know that I'm accepting it for what it is right now and I'm going to be happy with whatever the future holds. I know it holds God in my life and that's all that matters.

Weekends. They need no explanation :)

Hope you all have a great weekend.